​ About

The "Roar of the Lion"is the "Voice"of Lion of Judah Ministries International Outreach and Training Center (LOJMI) in Umatilla, Oregon.  Our heart is to see the Body of Christ... the Body of Yeshua (Jesus) ha Mashiach... grow up into FULL maturity! 

YOU have a purpose and our desire is to see YOU FULFILL that purpose!!! If we can help YOU to GROW in your Call... that's what we are here for... to help YOU!

The Word tells us that the leaders in the Body are to "...equip God’s people to do His work and build up the Church, the Body of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12 NLT)

We are here to present what Truth we have been given... and SOMETIMES THAT is NOT what has been "taught" in the past!!  We want YOU to have a hunger to STUDY The Word as the Bereans did... to cause YOU to THINK...  

WE want Truth, TOO!!!  We HUNGER for Truth!!!  Studying The Word over the years, I have come to the conclusion that we fall WAY SHORT of what GOD had in mind for mankind!!  God provided SO MUCH MORE for us, than we are comprehending!!  Over and over in The Word, we see such phrases as... "ONLY BELIEVE"... "IF YOU CAN BELIEVE"... "BELIEVE IN ME"... etc.!  The KEY WORD... BELIEVE!!! WE have a PART to play in MANY things that occur in our lives!!!  

God IS SOVEREIGN... THAT means there IS NO HIGHER... BUT... He has ALSO given usthe power to CHOOSE!!  

Deuteronomy 30:19 (The Living Bible) “I call heaven and earth to witness against you that today I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live!" (Just ONE example of having the power to choose!)

MANY people have TREMENDOUS "head" knowledge, but MOST have never let that knowledge become a PART of them... allowing it to enter their HEART... I can really relate to the man who said, "Lord, I believe; HELP MY UNBELIEF!!!" (Mark 9:24)

If we can only... BELIEVE... !!! (Mark 9:23)